Highway Christian Church  ●  About us
Highway Christian Church

About us

How we think about local church

The Holy Spirit leads Christians into the pre-prepared good works Jesus has for them. We are careful to encourage one another to live upwards and outwards, so that head, heart and hands are full of the very many things Jesus has appointed for each of us to do. That’s why Highway is not a very busy or demanding place in its own right. Sunday mornings is enough. The rest of the week is for getting on with the wonderful works of the Kingdom.

We think that Jesus has appointed a number of means of grace. By these we mean things that activate our faith and enable us to live in grace. These means of grace include our Bibles, preaching, music, the breaking of bread, the laying on of hands, prayer (including praying in tongues), and the gifts each carries for the edification of others. There are a few others besides, the likes of giving, believers’ baptism and fasting. These are all aspects of our gathering on any given Sunday morning, some more than others, and some more frequently than others, as we flow with the Spirit as best we’re able.

Our leadership

Highway has the greatest respect for her membership, and many who are a part of our life exert significant influence thanks to their credibility in the Lord. In essence, leadership is influence, and by that metric there are many more leaders in the house than are designated as such. Being an orderly people, and with a congregational microphone freely available, contributions are many and gatherings are flexible. The Lord’s agenda is always preferable, and the fluidity we value allows Him to speak through one and another as He will.

That said, the church is not without structure, and there are folk who hold key responsibilities. The Bible calls these folk elders and deacons.

Big ideas that have shaped us

Our way of life emerged over time as the Lord began to teach us to walk in grace and by faith. Here are links (below or to the right depending on your device)* to a series of five blog posts Gavin penned to record significant moments in the journey. These are best reads, in the sequence listed.

Believing in Jesus is a new way of living.

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